Saturday, September 19, 2009

One Post About Three Things

Numero Uno:

President Monson came to BYU on Tuesday and gave a wonderful talk about learning from the lives of modern-day prophets. It was wonderful! Here are a few of the previous presidents' favorite foods (I learned more than just this though :)):
-Heber J. Grant: Bread and Milk
-George Albert Smith: Apple Pie
-David O. Mckay: Chocolates
-Joseph Fielding Smith: Sweet Pickles (Pres. Monson hates sweet pickles though)
-Harold B. Lee: Bread and Milk
-Spencer W. Kimball: Milk with date nut bread crumbled into it until it's thick (Pres. Monson thought this a bit strange too.)
-Ezra Taft Benson: Fresh Raspberries, he kept the presidency well stocked
-Howard W. Hunter: Alaskan Crab, he ran two red lights on his way to eat some once- but in all fairness, he was colorblind
-Gordon B. Hinckley: Pie and Ice Cream

I know the quality is poor but, that is President Monson speaking at the pulpit.

Below, the fifth person in from the left on the front row is also President Monson.

Numero Dos: Engagements!

SarahLeone Damstra and Scott Brunson are getting Married!
SarahLeone was my roommate last winter semester and she's fantastic! She cares about the small things in life that bring huge amounts of happiness to others. I'm so thrilled for the two of them. They will be married December 18th.

Callista Priest and Ben Welling are also getting married!
I've known Calli since 7th grade when we both had Mr. Weidmann's english class together. She and Ben are so sincerely kind to everyone that it just makes sense that they are engaged. Calli has an amazing ability to stay positive even when times are rough. They will be married on December 19th.

Numero Tres:

Shasie is havin another baby cakes next week!
What will she name her? (because it is a her ya know)
I can't wait!!!! Best of luck Shanamammanananmana!
Key: Sha=Stacia