The Following Experiments Should NOT Be Done Without Supervision (CHAD)!
So, Jerica and I went to Walmart today and I was talking about how I watched peeps inflate in a microwave yesterday and then she told me all these other things that are awesome to watch...
#1: Soap (it smells nasty afterwards)
#1: Soap (it smells nasty afterwards)
#2: Just some peeps (I think they are more fun to microwave than eat anyways)
#3: Gum wrappers (Definitely should not be done. I think it ruins microwaves. But it was fun to start a fire inside the micro anyhow)
#4: Grapes- what? you don't believe me? TRY IT! You have to cut the grape almost completely in 1/2 but still leave a tiny attachment of skin between the two sides. Then just lay it out, insides up, on a plate and put it in the micro. After a few seconds there is a mini fire on the grape. Cool stuff. After they burn they look like this...
Our apt. now reeks with all of these bizarre smells, but it was totally worth it. THE END.