Friday, July 9, 2010

13 dates in 20 days for five dollars

So this summer we had a goal: May is for making friends, June is for dating them! We failed. But we got a full thirteen dates in before I got bored with the project.

So here's some documentation:

Watching a movie... at RC Willey.

I was cleaning white bass for a dinner date. Those things are evil! Their fins stab like knives.

They tried to dress us as goths at the mall. It didn't work. Grant just looks too preppy.
Yeah, I went on a date with a black man. And no, that's not racist.

The beautiful sunset above... Salem Pond! ha ha ha. I think I'm so funny.

Guru's Kareokee night with sweet potato fries. Warning: They're not so good when they're cold.

My date with CJ, The Ukraine...ian. Couldn't understand half of what he said the whole time.

This was at the end of hiking "Indian Road", or at least we thought we were on the right trail for Indian Road. Still not sure.

More of that hike.

Marshmallow Roast. Problem: I call Jerica Jer sometimes and Grant calls his roommate Jared Jer. It didn't explain that well, but essentially they had the same nickname. It got confusing.

Jerica and Jared. Can anyone guess what they were dressed as? It's hard to guess...

We made Elk meat sloppy joes which were fantastic. David, the boy in the front only had two hours of sleep the night before so he was basically dead the whole time.

The hard part of dating is not the asking. I can say that because now I know. The hard part is finding something entertaining to do and then following through with it. Some of the dates were fun but I'm never doing that again. Not Ever.

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