Friday, November 19, 2010

Well... it didn't work.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
I decided, despite positive responses, not to do it. "IT" being a date post every once in a while. I'm really sorry and it could have been great too but... well... given my sarcastic nature and the fact that I don't write sarcasm well I think it would hurt some people's feelings. Especially if they don't know me that well. Maybe I'll just post after really great dates. Yeah. That's a great idea! Good job Sierra. Nice thinking. And to make this post more interesting, here are some pictures!!!!:

Jerica doing the 'spiderman kiss' with our awesome pre-halloween pinata
My wanna-be self
Preparing FHE lesson after a day of sweat from dance class
Work at way too early in the morning... and in the freezingness of outside
The first snow of the year with some roommates! Woot!
Another day of work at the Stadium
A fun tunnel we found at work
Happy T-Gives soon!

1 comment:

debbie said...

I love the positive feedback you give yourself!